Formatting the Document

First I copied the unformatted text and pasted it into a Word document. I then read through the text, dividing it into paragraphs, bullet points, and highlighting the information that needed to be put into tables and charts. I added footnotes and page numbers to the ends of the pages. I decided to use the font “Garamond”, size 12, for readability. I changed the font paragraph by paragraph, so that I could read through the text thoroughly and put the titles of committees and acts into bold italics so that they stood out from the text.

I then designed the title page using three different font sizes to guide the reader’s attention. I decided to make all of the titles bold. I made the chapter headings size 20, underlined, and the subheadings size 18, without an underline, and the sub-sub headings size 14, to show that they were a part of the overall chapter.

I made tables for the information highlighted and picked a design that suited all, so that there was only one type of table throughout the document, so it would look organised. I chose bar charts for the graph data and I made them the same colour scheme as the tables, to keep the document aesthetically pleasing.

Finally I kept a page reserved for the table of contents and I went through the document making sure that all of the pages were presented well. I then made the table of contents with correct page numbers.

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